John 5 24. Passed From Death To Life

by Mark Lawrence
John 5 24. Passed From Death To Life
Mark Lawrence
Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life. John 5:24
VerseVisions™ is a contemporary Christian art ministry whose purpose is to share the love and message of God to all people through art and scriptural words of encouragement. VerseVisons™ Christian themed paintings are inspired by bible verses. Share your faith through Christian themed artwork!
John 5:24. Passed From Death To Life. VerseVisions™ Christian Modern Art. Copyright 2018 by artist Mark Lawrence. All Rights Reserved.
This large format Christian themed modern fine art giclee is available as an artist signed and numbered edition, and as an exclusive ultra-hand embellished edition. These exquisite collectible pieces are completely contour over-painted by hand, signed, numbered and certificated by artist Mark Lawrence. Editions are exclusively available for collectors at MarkLawrenceGallery.com.
Contact [email protected] if we can assist you in any way with your Mark Lawrence acquisition.
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October 25th, 2018
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